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    Born 1997 in Sweden in a place called Dalarna. He has been skiing as long as he can remember but if we turn the time back to two years ago he moved from Dalarna to Kiruna to study here in a school called VIG, A Ski and snowboard school. So under these years we have got the chance to know each other very well and when he heard the idea of Trippynorth he asked if we needed help with some things like filming , building spots that he would love to help us out, but we saw that as an big opportunity to take him with us on our journey to make this film, share all these moments and get memories. He lives to shredd and for every season that goes by he just wanna shredd more and more. He has developed significantly during his time here in Kiruna and he has just like every other crew member no plans to stop shredding and enjoying life as the time flies by.


    Get following the guys from Trippin' Out North on Instagram where you can follow there updates. There will be mini edits and shots from their journey until their movie called '' Trippin' Out North'' gets finished.